Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Word/PowerPoint exams

The Word/PowerPoint practice test is now available on myItLab. You may be directed to install an ActiveX control to allow the simulation to work. Install it. Also, it may take several seconds to a minute or so for the simulation to load. Be patient. Get yourself a lovely beverage or a nice snack while you wait :o)

The testing software is very particular and you must follow instructions exactly in order to receive full credit. As an example, if the testing software requests that you type

     Brookdale Community College.

and you type

     Brookdale Community College

the software will mark it as incorrect (the period is missing) and you will lose points.

Similarly, if you type

     Brookdale community College.

the software will mark it as incorrect (the "c" is lowercase) and you will lose points.

You will also be taking the practice test in class on the date specified below. During that time, I will be able to assist you with any questions or problems you may encounter. Please be aware that I will not be able to answer your questions during the actual exam.

Taking the practice test in class with your instructor able to assist you with problems is not the same as you sitting down at your computer (or in the lab) and taking the test as if it were the real thing. When you are taking your exams, you only have three tries on each step/question. When you are taking your exams, you cannot ask how to do a task.

You are on your own.

I strongly advise all students to take the practice test on your own as preparation for your exam in addition to taking them in class when I am available to show you how to do tasks you might not remember how to do.

You should be taking the practice test more than once. Historically speaking, most students who can score 100% on the practice tests on their own receive As on their exams and also as their final grades.

Conversely, students who take the test one time only and do not score well on it, tend to receive very poor grades both on their exams and on their report cards.

Practice Test Date:
Tuesday, September 27th

Exam Date:
Tuesday, October 4th