Friday, September 2, 2011


Missing deadlines and snow days...

Missed Exams
Departmental policy for Comp 129 states that a student may make up one missed exam. It is not the instructor's responsibility to track down students who have missed tests; it is your responsibility to see your instructor to arrange a make up.

All make up exams are taken in the main computer lab, Larrison Hall Room 103. Exam passwords will be entrusted to the learning assistants and will have expiration dates on them. Remember to bring identification with you when you go to take your makeup test.

Late Homework Assignments
All homework will be assigned during class. Assignments will be due the following Monday at 8 o'clock in the morning, unless otherwise instructed in class or here on the blog. Please note that MyITLab timestamps all student submissions. Per departmental policy, late assignments will be penalized.

Work submitted past the due date and time will be assessed a 10% penalty. Furthermore, no late assignments will be accepted after the exam which corresponds to the work assigned. That is, if the PowerPoint/Word exam is scheduled for October 4th, no PowerPoint presentations and no Word documents will be accepted after October 3rd.

Late Extra Credit Assignments
Any extra credit assignments offered during the semester must be submitted on time in order to earn points. No exceptions.

Inclement Weather/Campus Closings
Since all of the homework assignments are to be submitted electronically, inclement weather will not be considered a valid excuse for a late submission unless the following two conditions occur:
  1. The student can document a power outage at their place of residence, and
  2. Brookdale is closed due to the weather conditions.
School closings are posted on the Brookdale home page under the News & Events heading. You may also opt in for text message notification of campus closings.