Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Extra credit - chapter 1

Your Computers Are Your Future lecture textbook has a companion website. Each semester, I offer my students the opportunity to earn extra credit points for completing the Online Study Guide questions on that companion website. You may open a new browser window and get started by clicking here.

The following screen shots (click on any image to "embiggen") are a step-by-step walk-through of how to complete the OSG exercises and submit the results to me via email for extra credit. Do the questions for Chapter 1: Computers and You for next class. Doing well on these extra credit assignments will not only earn you some extra points, they will also help you to study for your exams.

The first page you will see is this one. On this page, you see a navigation bar running across the top of the page. Since you need to do the Chapter 1 OSG questions, click on the "1"

You are now in Chapter 1. Look at the navigation options on the left side of the page. Click on the hyperlink for Online Study Guide.

On this page, you'll see some multiple choice, some true/false, and some matching. Answer the questions to the best of your ability and scroll to the bottom of the page to select the "Submit Questions for Grading" button.

The system will grade your answers and tell you which questions are correct and which are incorrect. For incorrect answers, you will be given directions on what material you should review in order to learn the right answer.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the email options. Enter your first and last name and your section number in the first box. Tick the checkbox next to Instructor and enter my email address (cmayo@brookdalecc.edu) to email the results to me. In past semesters, some students accidentally entered an incorrect email address and didn't realize that I had not gotten their results, so I strongly urge you to email a copy to yourself as well. This way, if you make a mistake with my email address, at least you have a copy. Remember to use your Brookdale email address or you will receive no credit.

If you score poorly on your first attempt, do not worry. Simply review the materials and try again. Remember that extra credit is earned by doing extra work and by doing it well. Submitting poor OSG results (below 70%) will not earn extra credit.

Due Date:
Monday, September 12th, 8:00am