Monday, September 19, 2011

myItLab account issues

Several students continue to have myItLab issues. Please read this post in its entirety to ensure that you (a) have an appropriately configured account, and (b) are properly uploading your work for evaluation.

Some students still have not created their accounts and/or enrolled in my class. If you are one of these students, please contact me via email as soon as possible or see me before class tomorrow. You cannot submit any homework assignments and you cannot take any of your exams without an account that is linked to my section of comp129.

Additionally, at least three students who have set up their accounts have not properly submitted their homework assignments. If you start the upload process but do not click the FINISH: Submit for Grading button, your file(s) will not be uploaded. When I log in to review your assignments, I will see messages stating "Activity has been started but not yet submitted".

Please review the blog tutorial I posted on Using Grader and submit your work as soon as possible. Remember, if your work is not completed before the Word/PowerPoint exam, you will receive no credit for it, per the blog post on Deadlines.