Wednesday, September 7, 2011

myItLab accounts, access codes

Just a reminder that we will be creating your

accounts in class next week, September 13th.

All students must have a MyITLab account. All seven exams in this class will be taken online using the MyITLab software. Office 2007 homework assignments will also be uploaded for grading using the MyITLab website.

When you buy your textbooks from the bookstore you will find the MyITLab access code in a small paperboard folder enclosed in the shrink-wrapped bundle. Be careful not to throw it away as it will cost you $75 to replace it.

You must bring your MyITLab access code to the class on Tuesday. You will not be able to turn in your homework without an account. Assignments which miss their deadlines due to lack of a MyITLab account will receive no credit.