Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to create an effective presentation

During our first class, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation about yourself. These are some basic guidelines for creating effective PowerPoint presentations:
  • Define
    • Who is your audience?
      Are they doctors, mechanics, or teachers? Do you need to define certain profession-specific terms?

    • What are their needs?
      What do they need to know? Why are they here?

    • What are their expectations?
      What does your audience expect to learn? What questions do they want you to answer?

    • How much do they already know?
      Does your audience have a basic understanding of the topic or must you provide additional background information?

    • How can you help your audience to understand your message?
      Can you use illustrations, videos, sound bytes to help get your point across?

  • Develop
    • Identify the purpose of the presentation
      Why are you giving the presentation in the first place? What is your goal?

    • Research your topic
      What do you already know about the topic? What more can you learn?

    • Brainstorm
      Let those creative juices flow!

    • Create a story board
      Sketch an outline of your main idea, key points, and the final message you want your audience to take home with them.

      • Title Slide

      • Introduction

      • Key Points

      • Conclusion

  • Edit
    • Make your text concise
      After you have an idea what you want to say, trim it down to bullet point format.

    • Use consistent verb tense
      Always use past tense or always use present tense but do not mix them up!

    • Utilize strong action verbs
      Avoid passive voice. Say "The blogger is posting the assignment" rather than "The assignment is being posted."

    • Eliminate excessive adjectives and adverbs
      Save those for the oral commentary. Write, "He bought a sports car" and then say, "He bought a cherry red, Porsche 911."

  • Simplify
    • One key concept per slide
      If you find yourself with two (or more!) key ideas on a slide, break it up into two (or more) slides.

    • Use the 7x7 rule
      Try to limit yourself to seven words per line and seven lines per slide. Be careful, though: this is a guideline, not a law. If you have a line that needs eight words to be clear, use eight words - they're free.

  • Spellcheck!