We will be going over formatting and other term paper requirements in class on Tuesday. One resource you may find particularly helpful with respect to writing high quality research papers is the Perdue Online Writing Lab. They cover such helpful topics as the writing process, academic writing, and how to research and cite your resources.
Term papers will be graded according to the following rubric:
- Cover page (Alphabet style) with your title, name, section, and due date - 10 points
- Body text (footer, footnotes, works cited page) Arial, 12 point, double spaced, normal (1") margins, 0.5" indent on first line of paragraphs, 12pt spacing after paragraphs, justified - 10 points
- One paragraph indented with background shading (White, background 1, Darker 5% works well) and border - 10 points
- Footer (Alphabet style) with your name and automatic page numbering - 10 points
- Minimum of three pages of actual text (charts, graphs, and images do not count towards three page minimum) - 30 points
- Minimum of three works cited (may not use textbook nor Wikipedia) in Works Cited page - 10 points
- Overall quality of paper - 20 points
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The following images are screen shots should assist you with your formatting. Click on any image to embiggen.

Cover page
Alphabet built-in
Alphabet built-in

Page 1
with footnote
with footnote

Page 2
with one indented,
bordered and shaded paragraph
with one indented,
bordered and shaded paragraph

Page 3
with graphic
with graphic

Page 4

Works Cited
after hard page break
after hard page break