Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Term paper topics

Topics for term papers are
  • File sharing
  • Online gambling
  • Cell phone usage while driving
  • Cyberbullying and cyberstalking
  • Identity theft
  • Sexting
  • Whole body image scanners
  • Digital Rights Management

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Notes pane font size

Late in today's class, I was able to reliably reproduce a solution to the practice test question regarding changing the font size in the Notes pane of a PowerPoint slide.

Late PowerPoint/Word assignments

No late PowerPoint and/or Word homework assignments will be accepted after 8:00am on Monday, October 3rd. Your Word/PowerPoint exam is scheduled for Tuesday, October 4th.

Missing assignments will be marked zero.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lecture exam #1

The first lecture exam will cover chapters 1 and 2 of your Computers Are Your Future textbook. All exams and practice tests in this class will be conducted online using your myItLab accounts.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Term paper specifications

Your term paper must be prepared as a single document, typed in Word 2010. It is important to note that your paper must be a single file. You will be uploading your single file to a dropbox on myItLab.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Word/PowerPoint exams

The Word/PowerPoint practice test is now available on myItLab. You may be directed to install an ActiveX control to allow the simulation to work. Install it. Also, it may take several seconds to a minute or so for the simulation to load. Be patient. Get yourself a lovely beverage or a nice snack while you wait :o)

The testing software is very particular and you must follow instructions exactly in order to receive full credit. As an example, if the testing software requests that you type

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quiz #2 - results

The class average from today's quiz is 68.3%. Five students earned full credit. While average is higher than last week's quiz and more students scored 100%, more students failed; there is still considerable room for improvement before your lecture exam on October 4th.

Grade breakdown follows:

Word assignment #2

Be sure to read the blog post Using Grader. You will be completing and submitting your homework assignments for Word, Excel, and Access using the Grader module of myItLab.

Monday, September 19, 2011

myItLab account issues

Several students continue to have myItLab issues. Please read this post in its entirety to ensure that you (a) have an appropriately configured account, and (b) are properly uploading your work for evaluation.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Extra credit - chapter 2

For extra credit, refer back to the blog post Extra credit - chapter 1 and then visit the Computers Are Your Future textbook companion website.

Complete the Online Study Guide exercises for Chapter 2: Inside the System Unit and email your results to me. Remember to email yourself a copy as well.

Due Date:
Monday, September 25th, 8:00am

Friday, September 16, 2011

Email reminder!

I continue to find emails arriving in my Brookdale inbox which do not originate from the Brookdale mail server. As I announced in the first class, all email which does not come from a Brookdale email address is deleted unread. If you need to contact me, you must use your Brookdale email only.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Browser support

Some students were asking about which browser they should use when they are on the myItLab website. The only browsers listed as supported are:
Since they are not listed as supported, you shouldn't bother trying to use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Reading assignment - chapter 2

Read Chapter 2: Inside the SystemvUnit of Computers Are Your Future.

Due Date
Tuesday, September 20th, 8:00am

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quiz #1 - results

The results from today's quiz were truly a mixed bag with the class average coming in at 59.9%. One student earned full credit and one student earned none. Given that this was an unannounced quiz, I did not expect stellar performance but this is a failing average. Please take this as an incentive to study diligently over the course of the semester and not attempt to cram the evenings prior to exams.

Grade breakdown follows:

Data files

Remember to download all of the student data files to your USB flash drive. The files are on the CD included with your lab book.

Due Date:
Tuesday, September 20th, 8:00am

Word assignment #1

Be sure to read the blog post Using Grader. You will be completing and submitting your homework assignments for Word, Excel, and Access using the Grader module of myItLab.

First Word class files

I have typed up the first part of the Word tutorial for today's class instead of having everyone type the whole thing during class time. The file has been uploaded to Google Docs. The other documents needed have also been uploaded.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Using Grader

This semester, we are using a relatively new functionality in myItLab. It is called "Grader" and was recently included in the suite of tools available in myItLab.

Most of your Office homework assignments will be completed using Grader so this is a tutorial to ensure that all students are clear on how to use the tool.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Public service announcement #2

Notice to all students:

Though it does not affect our Comp129 class, Brookdale is NOT closed on Columbus Day. If you have Monday classes this semester, you have school on Monday, October 10th.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

PowerPoint assignment submission

Just a little reminder about your PowerPoint presentations. Bring your file to class on your USB flash drive (or external hard drive). Do not print out your slides: none of your work in this class will be submitted as hard copy. We will be creating your MyITLab accounts in class on Tuesday and you will upload the files to submit for grading.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

myItLab accounts, access codes

Just a reminder that we will be creating your

accounts in class next week, September 13th.

All students must have a MyITLab account. All seven exams in this class will be taken online using the MyITLab software. Office 2007 homework assignments will also be uploaded for grading using the MyITLab website.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First class files

The files needed for today's class have been uploaded to Google Docs.

Extra credit - chapter 1

Your Computers Are Your Future lecture textbook has a companion website. Each semester, I offer my students the opportunity to earn extra credit points for completing the Online Study Guide questions on that companion website. You may open a new browser window and get started by clicking here.

The following screen shots (click on any image to "embiggen") are a step-by-step walk-through of how to complete the OSG exercises and submit the results to me via email for extra credit. Do the questions for Chapter 1: Computers and You for next class. Doing well on these extra credit assignments will not only earn you some extra points, they will also help you to study for your exams.

Reading assignment - chapter 1

Read Chapter 1: Computers and You of Computers Are Your Future.

Due Date
Tuesday, September 13th, 8:00am

PowerPoint assignment

Each student must create a slide show presentation using PowerPoint 2010. The project must be created in PowerPoint 2010, not 2007 nor 2003. Remember: all lab exams are administered using Office 2010.

This tutorial will walk you through the requirements for the homework assignment.

Monday, September 5, 2011


When working in Microsoft Office, there are a number of hotkeys available to you. Hotkeys are combinations of keystrokes which allow you to do (quickly) certain operations such as bolding text, moving around the document, and saving your work.

Public service announcement #1

Swimming River Road is closed indefinitely due to damage sustained during Hurricane Irene. Please plan your route to school accordingly and allow extra travel time as other approached to the Lincroft campus will likely be more congested than normal.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to create an effective presentation

During our first class, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation about yourself. These are some basic guidelines for creating effective PowerPoint presentations:

Friday, September 2, 2011


Missing deadlines and snow days...

Missed Exams
Departmental policy for Comp 129 states that a student may make up one missed exam. It is not the instructor's responsibility to track down students who have missed tests; it is your responsibility to see your instructor to arrange a make up.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Main computer lab

Hours of operation for the main computer lab and where to find the lost and found...

Lab Hours
While instructors can often answer simple homework questions via email, sometimes a student needs a little additional one-on-one assistance.