See note at the end of the post.Most students were able to successfully upload their term papers to the myItLab. Unfortunately, since I have to read and grade each exam individually by hand, this means that I cannot promise to have all of the term papers graded by next class.
Please be patient but you can keep an eye on your myItLab account. When I have assigned the grade for your individual paper, your grade will post there.
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I have completed a first pass of your term papers. This means only that I have checked the papers for the format specifications and ensured that the topic submitted matched the topic assigned to each student.Most students have complied with the requirements. Several, however, have submitted papers that deviated significantly from the specifications given. If you are in doubt whether or not you have followed the directions carefully enough, first check your paper against the format specifications post. If you are still not sure, email me.
I will allow a one week grace period for resubmissions that will not be penalized for lateness.