Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Access exam - results

The average score on the Access exam was 75.7% (C+). Two people had perfect scores.

Grade distribution follows:

Lecture #4 exam - results

Your class average for this exam was 61.95 points out of a possible perfect score of 75 points (82.6%, a.k.a. B-). There were five As and three perfect scores.

Grade distribution follows:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Registration reminder

Register for the spring term before the end of the fall semester! You will have a better selection of classes and sections if you do. Also, you should be aware that if you wait too long, there is the possibility that a section you want could be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment.

Tuition payments are not due until January 5th.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Late Access assignments -
    last notice

Quite a few students still owe me Access homework assignments! No late Access homework assignments will be accepted after 8:00am on Monday, December 12th. Your exam is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13th.

Missing assignments will be marked zero.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Access practice test - results

We had a lot to cover today given that there were a whole load of new techniques required by the integrated project. I sincerely hope that mental overload and tight timing are the are the reasons why the practice test scores were so low today. The class average was 67%, which, as you are all aware, is a D in the grading rubric.

Don't get lazy now! Remember: the semester is not over until the finals are taken and all coursework is graded!

On the upside, two students managed perfect scores.

Grade distribution follows:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Integrated Project files

You will need several files for the Integrated Project homework assignment. Most of them are in the directory 01_student_data_files\06_integrated_projects\chapter_01.

I feel that the class has a good understanding of PowerPoint so instead of having everyone create a new presentation from scratch in class tomorrow, I uploaded i01_Team_Presentation.pptx to Google Docs. Please download this file to your flash drive.