Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Access exam - results

The average score on the Access exam was 75.7% (C+). Two people had perfect scores.

Grade distribution follows:

Lecture #4 exam - results

Your class average for this exam was 61.95 points out of a possible perfect score of 75 points (82.6%, a.k.a. B-). There were five As and three perfect scores.

Grade distribution follows:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Registration reminder

Register for the spring term before the end of the fall semester! You will have a better selection of classes and sections if you do. Also, you should be aware that if you wait too long, there is the possibility that a section you want could be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment.

Tuition payments are not due until January 5th.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Late Access assignments -
    last notice

Quite a few students still owe me Access homework assignments! No late Access homework assignments will be accepted after 8:00am on Monday, December 12th. Your exam is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13th.

Missing assignments will be marked zero.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Access practice test - results

We had a lot to cover today given that there were a whole load of new techniques required by the integrated project. I sincerely hope that mental overload and tight timing are the are the reasons why the practice test scores were so low today. The class average was 67%, which, as you are all aware, is a D in the grading rubric.

Don't get lazy now! Remember: the semester is not over until the finals are taken and all coursework is graded!

On the upside, two students managed perfect scores.

Grade distribution follows:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Integrated Project files

You will need several files for the Integrated Project homework assignment. Most of them are in the directory 01_student_data_files\06_integrated_projects\chapter_01.

I feel that the class has a good understanding of PowerPoint so instead of having everyone create a new presentation from scratch in class tomorrow, I uploaded i01_Team_Presentation.pptx to Google Docs. Please download this file to your flash drive.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Late Access assignments

While I realize that this past weekend was a major holiday, there was still a homework assignment. Over half the class neglected to submit their first Access project.

If you need help with this assignment, visit the main lab in LAH 103 and talk to one of the learning assistants and get the finished product uploaded as soon as possible.